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Message Audio 2019
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Hardin Community Baptist Church
548 Hardin Rd, Dallas, NC 28034
Message Audio 2019

12-29-2019  Let it Shine.  Matthew 5:13-16
  The Incarnation of Christ. Philippians 2:3-8
Good News of Great Joy.  Luke 2:6-19
  The First Christmas Gift.  Matthew 2:1-12
12-1-2019  Jesus Messiah.  Matthew 22:41-46
11-24-2019 The Ministry of John the Baptist. Pt.2 Matthew 3:10-17
The Ministry of John the Baptist.  Matthew 3:1-12
It's time to Cross Over.  Exodus 14
11-3-2019 Guest Speaker Rev. Keith Hollar. The Night the Jail house 
rocked.  Acts 16:19-35
0-27-2019 Overcoming Crippling Emotions. (Pt.2) Numbers 13-14
10-20-2019 Overcoming Crippling Emotions. Deuteronomy 1
10-13-2019 Seeking Fish, Finding Forgiveness.  John 21
10-6-2019 Beware of Drifting.  1 Kings 11:1-6  
9-29-2019 The First Deacons.  Acts 6:1-7
9-22-2019 Jesus is Enough.  Colossians 2:1-10
9-15-2019 Be not Conformed.  Daniel 1:1-8
9-8-2019 God's Work. Nehemiah 2:1-18
9-1-2019 Guest Speaker. Bob Wise
8-25-2019 Give Thanks.  1 Thessalonians 5:18
8-18-2019 Overcoming the Flesh.  Romans 7:18-25
8-11-2019 Walk in the Light.  1 John 1:1-9
8-4-2019  The Inheritance of the Saints.  Ephesians 1:1-7
7-28-2019 The New Birth.  John 3:1-16
7-21-2019 While We Wait (PT.2) Matthew 25:14-30
7-14-2019 While We Wait (PT.1)  Matthew 25:1-13

7-7-2019 Freedom in Christ.  Galatians 5:1-6
-30-2019  I Am The Bread of Life.  John 6:25-51
6-23-2019  We Preach Christ.  1 Corinthians 1:17-24
6-16-2016 The Parable of the Prodigal Son.  Luke 15:11-32
  Wisdom in Temptation. James 1:2-16
6-2-2019  The Great Image.  Daniel 2
5-26-2019  Death's Appointment.  Revelation 20
5-19-2019  The Race Set Before Us.  Hebrews 12:1-3
Is God Hiding.  Romans 1:18-22
5-5-2019  The First Church.  Acts 4
4-28-2019  When Jesus Sat Down. Acts 1:3-11
4-21-2019 Newness of Life. Romans 6:1-11
The Effects of the Resurrection. 1 Corinthains 15:20-26
The importance of the Resurrection. 1 Corinthians 15
3-31-2019 When You've Been Hurt. Luke 23:32-38
3-24-2019 Men's Day
3-17-2019 Guest Speaker Rev. Mark Spearman. Exodus 14:5-14
It's Almost Wedding Day. Revelation 19
3-3-2019 Lessons Learned From the Thorn. 2 Corinthians 12
2-24-2019 Women's Day
2-17-2019 Our Adversary. 1 Peter 5:8-9
2-10-2019 Picture of true Love. Genesis 22
2-3-2019 Are You Willing?  Luke 5
1-27-2019  Principles of Prayer.  Matthew 6
1-20-2019 Unity in the Body of Christ. Ephesians 4
1-13-2019 In the Beginning.  Psalms 11:1-7
1-6-2019 Citizen of Heaven.  Philippians 3

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